#my girl weiss was slandered like that though
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amelia-yap · 1 year ago
Dumb question did you ever end up watching Ice Queendom?
i have! waiting for each ep every week was pain.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years ago
It wasn't Jaune's fault! Whitley was just too cute, and her the Schneeboi was talking snack and acting like a bratty little brother when he should be slobbering on a Arc Cock while dressed like the slutty little Femboy he was always meant to be. Good knews was him and Weiss were the same size clothe-wise.
Femboy Whitley!
Jaune couldn’t keep his laughter in as his friends scurried about, trying not to absolutely lose their shits.  Ever since Weiss’ little brother decided to show up, things had been... well kind of painful.  Jaune himself had kept his head out of it, choosing instead to keep low and avoid any sort of detection from the Schneeboi.  THough, that of course hadn’t stopped Jaune from eyeing him every now and again.  He WAS rather cute, reminded him of a slightly scrawnier Weiss, with a nice ass to boot.
Jaune felt comfortable in himself to admit such things of course, after all he’d trained both Oscar and Ren quite well over the last year and a half since everyone moved into the little group dorm they shared.  He smiled as the boy tried to flirt with Ruby, not like that would work.  The normally cheery girl made up an excuse, saying something about Yang calling her, and vanished in a puff of pedals.  
He tried to fight back a laugh when he tried to order BLAKE around of all people.  Weiss had to keep the feline faunus from ripping her brother a new one.  
Things had been rather easy for him, of course, though as the days went on his annoying slander started to get annoying.  And eventually, Weiss of all people had decided to come to him.  “Jaune...”
“Yes Snow Angel?”  
His lover blushed heavily, “Could you do me a huge favor?”  
“And what’s that?”  
“So you know that thing you did with Ren and Oscar?”  
“I do, Ruby and Nora are still a bit sore about that, though Pyrrha was quite happy.”
“COuld you uh...”  
She looked at her brother, and well it didn’t take much.  He’d thought about leaving things as is, but if Weiss was asking, “Okay.”  
He walked over to the boy, talking to the group, Yang getting ready to punch him if he kept on trying to flirt with Ruby.  The little femboy really didn’t know his place, now did he?  Since he’d first seen him, Jaune had thought he would look better with a cock in his mouth, soooo.
“Hey Whitley.”  
From his sitting position Whitley turned his attention to the dumbo that tried to call his name, “What do you want A-”  His voice went silent at the sound of smacking flesh.  His mouth hung open as his vision grew dark.  Hanging above him was the most grotesque slab of meat he’d ever been near.  The heavy scent practically suffocated him, the thick musk whisking through his nose and violating his thoughts.  The pitter patter of dripping liquid splashing against his forehead caught his attention, and the heavy overbearing feeling of it resting atop him did not sit well for him.  
He tried to push back and scream at the bloody neanderthal for even doing that, only to be silenced as Ruby suddenly rushed up to him, grabbed his jaw and held his mouth open.  Before he knew it his taste buds were assailed by the most repulsive flavors he’d ever tasted!  A tangy sour taste slathered his palate.  He tried to bite down initially, but the thing was so large that it spread his jaw too wide to provide ample force.  
“Oh wow!  I knew you’d look better with my dick in your mouth.”  
His violent struggles only proved to provide pleasure for the man currently throat fucking him.  “Oh yeah~  Keep saying whatever you’re saying, makes your throat all vibraty.”  
He felt fear as one of the various girls surrounding him grabbed the back of his head and pushed him down, forcing that thing all the way down his throat.  His vision grew dark as Jaune’s crotch pushed and blinded him.  He tried to lash out and push away only for someone else to grab his hands and put them behind him.  
Fear started to get the better of him as he heard Weiss talk, “Ooh, he really does look better this way.  I always did want a younger sister...”  
“Perfect~  He’ll look much better as a trap...”  
“Ugh, Jaune, just get it over with, I don’t want to remember what you did to Oscar.”
“haha... sorry Ruby.”  
He tried to struggle more, but the individuals around him made it harder and harder as they each took turns forcing his body to move on its own.  The taste of another man’s cock on his tongue painted his tastebuds horrendously.  He wanted to puke with every passing second, but he found it hard to resist.  Eventually he felt the cock in his mouth twitch, and before he knew it his belly was being filled with the man’s disgusting semen.  His stomach began to bloat only pulling away once the seed started to ooze through his nose and the gaps between his mouth and the dick.  
Eventually he pulled out, but before Whitley could spit it out, Weiss had suddenly closed his jaw shut.  “No no, you’ll learn to swallow~  The protein is good for you.”  
When it proved impossible for him to spit it out, he had to eventually swallow, Weiss’ fingers slowly guiding his throat as he began to take the seed downwards.  Tears burned his eyes as he felt his body grow weak, the girls finally letting him go once he opened his mouth.  “Good boy~”  They all gave him small little claps, something that felt absolutely demeaning.  
“Now then~  Weiss, dear?”  
“Oh right!”  Weiss cheerfully shifted over to the man who had just violated him, placing a gentle kiss against his dick, “I’ve been with Jaune for a while now~  Most of us have.”  
His eyes scanned the room as all the residents there nodded.  “Di... did you...”
“Invite you on purpose?”  His sister feigned a pleasant smile,e ventually dropping the niceties.  “Of course I did, now then, Pyrrha?”  
“Got them!”  
Before he knew it, he was on the ground his head pushed down by who knows who, and his ass held right up.  He felt his penis dangling loosely as he tried to shit his hips out of their grasp.  His clothing had been forcefully stripped, in place he’d been put in a white gown belonging to Weiss, one that fit him suspiciously well.  “Le...let me go!  You Barbarians!”  Even as he cursed them out, he could still TASTE Jaune’s dick upon his lips.  
The repulsive flavor didn’t sit well with him, but… any other thoughts simply stopped when he felt something push between his cheeks.  “Perfect~  And I’m already all lubed up.”  
He didn’t get a response before his ass began to burn, “Oh damn!  He has such a nice boipussy!”  
Tears seared his flesh as he buried his head into the carpet, the older boy’s hands grabbed his large buttocks, squeezing into his perfectly white flesh and marking him with bruises.  “S...s...stop!”  
He wanted it to end, but Jaune had other plans, his hips thrusted harder and faster.  The more that Whitley begged and pleaded the stronger those movements became.  Eventually he found himself buried into the floor, his little dick flopping and grinding against it as tiny spurts of semen ejected from within.  
“Aww~  He wanted to date me too!  Look how cute it is.” 
He could hear Ruby mocking him from the distance as Jaune continued to plowing him, the manly meat mangling his insides.  He couldn’t feel his guts anymore, disrupted and dislodged from their places.  He couldn’t even cry as his voice had gone hoarse, and his tears had dried up.  He simply layed there limply while they all took pictures and recorded the scene before them.  Jaune, had decided he was going to take and keep Whitley as his own, and as much as he wanted to fight back… the moment he felt the first rush of seed fill his insides from the back end, he knew that his life was over. 
When Jaune pulled out of Whitley’s gaping ass, thick streams of seed pulled, painting his white form even whiter as it dripped splashing onto the carpet beneath.  The extra spurts that erupted from Jaune’s still hard cock, slathered Whitley’s young femine back, coating him in a nice glaze.  “PHew~  Going to have a lot of fun training him.”  
He placed a gentle kiss against Weiss, “Thanks for the gift~”  
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texanredrose · 3 years ago
Prep and Goth
Day 1: Enemies to Lovers/Secret Library Time
Weiss stared at the clock, mentally urging the second hand to move faster. The transition between this period and the next always took the longest- or at least it felt like time slowed down around this point in the day. She hated how the end of the period never caught her off guard; she was always keenly aware of the clock, with her work done and backpack already packed and ready for her to leave the classroom. She was usually the first one out the door.
“Hey, if I give you five lien, could you get me a redbull?”
“No, Ruby; for the last time, I don’t have a release period next, I’m a library aide.”
“Oh, come on, everyone knows you just show up, sign in, and disappear!” Her fellow senior slumped in her seat. “It’s not like you’re going to get in trouble! Ms. Goodwitch knows you ditch and she doesn’t say anything!”
How she’d become friends- perhaps even best friends- with the school’s most energetic track star was beyond her; it involved an ill fated chemistry lab and the fire department but, honestly, she couldn’t remember specific details beyond that. While Weiss would love to say she merely put up with and tolerated Ruby, the truth was that she still hadn’t entirely adjusted to the concept of having someone who would be with her through thick and thin. She was being… persuaded to open up to the young woman but she still kept more secrets than she probably should from her best friend.
“I swear, Ruby Rose, if you keep spreading such slander about my character, I’ll be forced to take drastic action!” She tore her gaze away from the clock to glare at the woman. “I do not skip class!”
Rolling her silver eyes, Ruby rested her head on her desk and groaned. “Just because you’re the Valedictorian doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, Weiss. No one’s going to care if you ditch one period.”
“I care!” The bell rang a moment later and she forgot about the argument entirely as she quickly grabbed her pack and fast walked to the door.
The walk from her class to the library was a blessedly short one, made slightly longer by classmates and underclassmen getting in her way as other students emerged into the hallway for the passing period. A cold glare managed to persuade some of them to move but not all of them- those blessedly ignorant few she stepped around or nearly barreled through if she could get away with it. It probably contributed to her reputation of being a vicious, cut throat type of person like her sister but her patience had worn too thin and she needed to get to the library.
A few steps from her goal, a hand suddenly landed on her shoulder and spun her around, and only two people in the whole school would dare put their hands on her like that, and only one of them for no good reason. “YANG-”
“Calm down, Princess, this’ll be quick, promise!” With hands on Weiss’ shoulders, she guided them away from the throng of students to a small alcove next to the library doors. “Just got something I need to say real quick.”
“What could you possibly have to say to me?” Weiss scowled at the blonde, annoyed that she seemed to get taller every time they talked, and crossed her arms over her chest. “Last I checked, I didn’t have anything to do with the girls’ basketball team. Or the weightlifting team. Or the boxing team. Or-”
Yang clapped her hands together in front of Weiss’ face, smiling that do-you-really-think-they’ll-expel-me smile of hers. “Hey, do me a favor? Drop the frigid bitch act for, like, five minutes, okay? Because I really don’t have the time for it; if you wanna go toe-to-toe in the bitch-out-lypmics, we can schedule that another time, but right now, I need to have a serious talk with you. It’s about Blake.”
At the namedrop, her blood ran cold and her heart lodged in her throat, eyes growing wide as a genuine tendril of fear began taking root in her chest. “Is she okay?”
“Well, that depends,” Yang replied, looking around at their classmates walking past without paying them any mind. “Look. I don’t get it, okay, the whole secret girlfriends thing, I don’t even know how you two got together… but what I do know is that Blake deserves better than someone who’s ashamed of her-”
“Don’t you dare put words in my mouth,” she hissed, worry turning to fury in the blink of an eye. “I’m not ashamed to be dating Blake. If it was safe, everyone would know!”
“Yeah, can you define ‘safe’ for me in this context? Because I’m having a real hard time convincing Blake you’re being sincere when you don’t want anyone knowing the two of you are dating.”
“You know we’re dating!”
“Because I refuse to let things go and I knew she was acting weird!” Yang growled in frustration, fingers flexing as if she was seriously debating throttling Weiss. “Listen, I figured it out and I bullied her into telling me weeks ago, but not even Ruby knows beyond that. Not a fan of keeping secrets but I’ll do it for a friend. Now, answer my question, please, because with the rest of the school convinced you two hate each other, this whole ‘don’t tell anyone we’re dating thing’ is clear as mud, and it’s really starting to get to her.”
Weiss’ shoulders fell as she looked away, her anger abating in the face of the situation presented to her. “It’s… complicated.”
“Then uncomplicate it for me.” Yang made a gesture with one hand. “Just give me a straight answer!”
“I can’t!” She stamped her foot, speaking before she could think about her word choice. “I can only give you a gay answer!”
Yang stared at her for a long moment. “So, that’s what Blake meant when she said you have the worst sense of humor.”
“I’m done with this conversation-”
Yang grabbed her arm and stopped her, expression turning serious. “Listen, you don’t wanna talk to me? Fine. But talk to Blake. If you really care about her, she deserves to hear that.”
As the blonde stepped away, the bell rang, making both of them late- not that it would matter. Ms. Goodwitch wouldn’t count her late and even if she did, a single tardy wouldn’t be much of a blemish on her record. There was a time when it would’ve bothered her but she’d grown past that a few years ago; perfection was, in some sense, in the eye of the beholder. Blake would notice, though, and she hurried to the library to keep her ‘secret girlfriend’ from worrying.
When she got to the library, she dropped her bag behind the counter and signed in, highly aware that Blake was somewhere among the rows reshelving books. 
The librarian gave her a small nod. “I presume you have good reason for being late but don’t make a habit of it.”
“Of course, Ms. Goodwitch.” With that, she grabbed a few leftover books that needed reshelving and went into the stacks to reshelve them. As soon as she was far enough away from the front desk, she spoke in a soft voice that Blake would be able to hear regardless. “Blake? I’m sorry I’m late.”
“Is everything alright?” She’d long ago grown accustomed to the faunus’ silent steps, which really shouldn’t be possible given the amount of glistening chains and bits of metal hung from her ensemble but it was one of those things Weiss had accepted about Blake at first and had grown to admire. “It’s not like you to be late.”
“I… got pulled into a conversation.” She debated, briefly, if she should mention who the conversation was with but ultimately decided against it. Yang would likely bring it up herself at some point but she didn’t want the distraction at present. “Blake… you know I care about you, right?”
“Yes, Weiss, and I care about you, too,” she replied, her voice holding that special lilt that Weiss used to think was snideness. Now, she recognized it as a gentle sort of teasing and, sometimes, a deflection. “What brought this on?”
“I’ve been thinking about some things… and I find myself curious about some… other things.”
“Truly, you have a way with words.”
“I’m trying to be serious!” Weiss whined, putting a hand to her head as she tried to think of a way to word what she wanted to say. In the next moment, Blake stepped up and wrapped her arms around her waist, resting her chin on Weiss’ shoulder in a silent show of support. This was, partly, where they differed, because even when words escaped Blake, the faunus could somehow find a way to convey what she needed; Weiss, in contrast, simply clammed up entirely if she didn’t begin insulting whoever was nearest. “You know the only reason we’re not dating publicly is because of my family, right? That, the moment I turn eighteen and gain access to my funds, I’ll shout it from the rooftops… right?”
Blake took a step back but one hand lingered on Weiss’ hip, a soft assurance that she wasn’t leaving but that they should probably have a conversation like this face-to-face. When she turned around, she searched shining amber eyes and found a touch of disbelief hiding there. “I’ll admit, I didn’t think it was the only reason.”
“It really is…” Weiss sighed, running a hand through her bangs in frustration. “I… I don’t know how to prove it, I don’t know if there’s anything I could say or do that would, but… I don’t want you thinking that I’m ashamed of dating you… that’s… that’s the furthest from the truth.”
Feline ears flicked towards one end of the row and both of them quickly focused on shelving the few books that remained as a group of students went back to one of the study rooms. Once the coast was clear, Blake sighed heavily. “I told Yang to drop it.”
“She’s trying to help.” Begrudgingly, she continued. “Ruby’s the same way. They meddle when they can but they have the best of intentions.”
“Still… she wasn’t too… forceful, was she?”
“She only threatened to throttle me, so no, she wasn’t too forceful.” Weiss tilted her head. “And, arguably, she has a salient point. I… I perhaps took it for granted that you would… that I made my feelings about you clear to you.”
Blake ducked her head, her ears flicking back briefly to blending into midnight black hair. As per her usual, the faunus was bedecked in all black save for the silver of the chains hanging from her pants and the snake bite piercings on her bottom lip. Whenever they were making out, Weiss found that flicking either of the piercings with her tongue would always result in a soft groan from Blake.
“So… when you turn eighteen…basically, when we graduate?” Blake took a step forward. “That’s… a long time to be a secret from everyone.”
“Well… not from everyone. Yang knows.”
“Uh huh.”
“And Ruby will know… when I tell her…”
“Right.” Blake came a bit closer. “I guess that means we won’t be going to prom together.”
Weiss raised a brow, then caught onto what her girlfriend was doing, a smile tugging at her lips. “You? Go to prom?” A soft chuckle. “I thought you said you wouldn’t be caught dead at… what was it you called it? A useless party for empty headed idiots?”
“And a waste of money. I said that, too.” Blake stopped just a hair’s breadth away and very nonchalantly shelved a book just behind Weiss’ shoulder. “But you’ve got a crown to win, right? Prom Queen to go with your other honors?”
“There’s only one crown that I care to claim,” she replied, reaching up to bury her hand in midnight locks between the faunus’ ears and pulling her down into a kiss. Normally, they didn’t indulge in such outside of Ms. Goodwitch’s office, which the librarian granted them access to once they’d reshelved all the books. If she suspected what they did in there, she remained silent, probably because while reshelving the books they would also fix what other aides did incorrectly and she appreciated the help more than she cared to curtail PDAs.
The kiss didn’t last too long- just long enough to drive her point home- but the look in amber eyes almost made her too weak to move.
Weiss gathered her courage. “I do love you, Blake.”
Not ‘care about’, not ‘fond of’, not any other arrangement of words she’d used over the past year to describe how she felt. Fear that caring too much would make her careless had prevented her from saying the words before. Now, though, she couldn’t go another moment without Blake understanding exactly how much she cared.
After the shock passed, Blake smiled softly, ears canting forward. “I love you too, Weiss.”
It took a moment for them to part but they returned to the counter and finished reshelving the books.
“Do you think I’d look good in black?”
Hi, yes, please join me in picturing Blake as a late 90′s/early 00′s goth girl.
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faunusrights · 4 years ago
Citrus Summers (GWS AU)
just had this idea nip into my head... i really wanna do more with menagerie and the scarlatina fam but for now have this lil snapshot of velvet growing up :)
great weiss shark au, weiss's pronouns are she/her, velvet's pronouns are she/they
"So, what was your hometown like?"
Velvet's used to Weiss's interest in her life; they come from two radically different ends of some bonkers spectrum of lifestyles, where one end (Velvet's) is radical self-acceptance, anti-cop sentiment, and a Scroll full to bursting with communist memes, whilst the other end (Weiss's) is... well, to be honest, Velvet doesn't like to think about what that end entails, exactly. All she knows is that it was exactly what a young shark Faunus without any clue as to her heritage didn't need. So, Velvet entertains her with stories of growing up in the deserts of Menagerie, of her time running along the trash-strewn beaches of Kuo Kuana, of her years shooting up like a weed under the relentless freckling kisses of the bright and vibrant sun.
Sometimes Velvet can tell she can't quite wrap her head around how different their lives are, yet have somehow ended up on such an intersection as to be able to call each other friends. Velvet just goes with the flow about it all.
"Well, we didn't have a hometown, really," Velvet starts, attention half-drawn to sets of plans scattered about her desk in her dorm. She's got big plans to improve Anesidora's projector and fix the information compression problems; drawing a flat 2D image into a 3D projection has always been a sticking point, but she's nearly got it down to the extent that her wireframe tests very nearly reveal the dents and dings and imperfections that it'd previously ironed out by mistake. Accuracy is key, and she crawls ever closer to a perfect 1-to-1 copy each and every day. It's just really boring work, is all. "We lived outside of the nearest town by a couple of miles, but we went there pretty regularly, so I guess you could call it that."
Weiss hums, letting herself fall back onto Velvet's unmade bed, the handwoven blankets of orange and black brought straight over from the homeland and still gritty with red dirt to prove it. "What's it called?"
"Desert Sands. Very original, I know."
"You know a lot of the people there?"
"Shit, they trade us meat and gas for potatoes and carrots and tomatoes, not to mention almost everyone there immigrated in a group with my grandparents. I know that town like my own family."
"What's your favourite thing there?"
That pulls Velvet up short, and she worries at her bottom lip as she stares as a variety of absolutely godawful equations. Thank the maidens Weiss has given her something meaty to say, because she can't bear the idea of redoing all this horrible maths. "Uh, probably the inn, as everyone else who lives there would say. Can't go wrong with a good old fashioned pint and a few rounds of pool."
"Even as a kid?" Weiss says, and Velvet can hear the raised brow even though she can't quite see it.
"Even as a kid," Velvet agrees. "My mam had a couple of pints and my da flirted with the guys and I'd go out with my siblings to meet our friends and raise a little hell. Not very often, but often enough."
Weiss goes sort of quiet, in a way that Velvet recognises as an intensive processing of what she's just heard. She wonders, briefly, if Weiss can even imagine that sort of freedom after a childhood spent locked in the same old rooms of the same old house--even when it's as big as the Schnee manor--and then pushes that thought away. If Weiss wants to ever get into all that, it'll be in her own time.
"Describe it to me?" Weiss asks in a very little voice after a few seconds, and Velvet nods. She can do that. She remembers those halcyon days like they were yesterday.
"Trench, I swear, if you don't repaint those window sills I'm gonna sneak down here and do it myself, asshole."
This was about as typical an entry as Taffeta Scarlatina could ever make, shouldering open the dark wood door into the Desert Sands Inn with a grin on her face and children in tow, Ash bringing up the rear and trying to pretend he couldn't see everyone turn in their seats to look to the new arrivals. It was one of those establishments with a big boxy interior and just a handful of rooms to the side, where the only three doors led into the toilets and the kitchens and the stairwell to the rooms above, and much like everything else on Menagerie, nothing ever matched; the doors had been collected from a variety of sources, the floorboards uneven and scratched and recut, the paint on the walls patchy with mismatched shades and covered with picture frames in some last-ditch attempt to hide it. No two stools matched, no three tables carved by the same hand, but that was the price of the community effort--everything you ever needed, maybe just not in the way you always expected.
"Taffeta," Trench greeted from behind the bar, turning to fetch a pair of glasses without prompting whilst making sure not to jostle the hanging bottles overhead with his great buffalo horns, split like a strange middle parting on the top of his head. "You're welcome to it, to be frank; Cinna doesn't have a clue where she's put the paint, last we saw it."
Taffeta rolled her eyes, letting go of Velvet's hand to pat her between her ears instead, the ten year old quick to laugh and duck away. "I'm sure. Not at all like I said I have some lying around the last three times I was here. You really that scared of scraping all that flaking paint off?"
"Well," Trench said after a moment, leaning under the bar for a second. "I did get some in my eyes last time, and boy, that hurted. You want your usual?"
"Pint of porter for me, and something weak for my pretty boy, lest he forget which way is up," Taffeta agreed, shooting a wink Ash's way and cackling when he blushed. "And some juice boxes for the kids?"
Trench didn't even pause, turning about to fish out a variety of colourful cartons adorned with a collection of cartoon characters, and Taffeta lifted Velvet up to plop her onto one of the few cushioned stools, Chiffon quick to use her older, longer limbs to scramble her own way up. Trench offered the drinks out freely, letting them decide between orange and passionfruit flavours, before noticing the new addition on Ash's hip. "Oh? This the newest Scarlatina?"
Satin--hardly a year old--was clinging to her da's loose shirt, dark eyes looking about in wonder, and Taffeta smiled before reaching over to brush her loose, light hair out of her eyeline. "Sure is. Gettin' real big already, so we thought it was high time to meet the folks around here. She won't be the last, though." At that, Taffeta leant across the bar, dropping her voice low. "Would you believe me if I said Ash is already askin' for the next one?"
"Slander," Ash shot back, face still pink. "I just said four is a rounder number than three."
Trench made a face, glancing pointedly away. "My girl woulda mounted my horns on the wall for that one. We had just the one and she swore off the rest before I could even consider it. Count yourself lucky."
"Cinnamon's a good kid," Ash offered, rearranging Satin to sit a little nicer in his lap. "I think that all worked out in the end."
Taffeta rolled her eyes, watching as Velvet picked the orange juice for herself, leaving the eldest to the passionfruit. "Doesn't that imply we have so many 'cause you don't think just one was good enough? Chiff's a darling, if a bit of a pain in my ass, huh, baby?"
Chiffon ignored them both to instead help Velvet punch the straw into the carton, and Ash grinned. "Just one was perfect, but you told me yourself that you don't think I know when to fold."
"You don't," Trench interjected, pouring out a pint of something dark and bitter enough to linger on the tongue. "When we played poker last year... phew. Thank the maidens it was a couple's night, else you woulda been walking home absolutely stark--"
"--drunk," Taffeta quickly interrupted, glancing towards the kids who stared back with wide eyes. "Been walking home absolutely stark... trashed. Wasted. Uh, Trench, what's on the menu today, whilst it's on my mind?"
As they discussed the menu (Taffeta eager to point out the contributions of the family crops, asking, overly sweetly, and who traded you those lovely chickens? they must have been very generous), Chiffon turned to Ash in her seat, legs swinging freely, bumping into the overly-varnished wood of the bar. "Da? Can me 'n Velv go out and play?"
"Sure can, kiddo," Ash said, though he was quick to grab Chiffon's arm before she could throw herself off the stool with the straw still in her mouth. "Woah, take that out first before you end up swallowing it. You remember the rules?"
Chiffon nodded, face cast all seriously. "Don't go outta town. Be back before dark. If someone tries to bully us, punch 'em in the nose."
"And?" Ash added, drawing his brows together.
Velvet chirped up. "Cops aren't friends!"
At that, Ash broke out into a grin, as bright as Velvet's and twice as toothy. "That's right. You go have fun, and don't eat too many snacks; we're having dinner here before we go home."
Chiffon slid free of her stool, turning about to help Velvet down too, and then the pair scampered towards the door with a harmonised yes da! before pulling it open to the main road outside, the sunlight blisteringly bright, the sky an endless, cloudless blue overhead. The paint on the windowsill peeled off and flecked away, and under their shoes, the ground crunched.
Everything tasted of oranges.
Weiss sits silently.
"Did you get back before dark?"
Velvet snorts, sitting back in her chair until it creaks dangerously below. "Just about, though my mam didn't look all that impressed. Still, can't do much about it; we didn't even have, like, landline calls back then, let alone Scrolls and shit."
Weiss laughs to herself, rolling over and tucking her legs up onto Velvet's bed until she's curled atop the blankets, running a thumb over the wool quietly, repetitively. Truth is, they still smell of Menagerie, of home; Velvet could wash it a thousand times, but the earthy scent of hot summers and prickling scrublands sticks like its own aura.
"I'm jealous," Weiss says simply, and then she draws the blankets up to partly cocoon herself, tight across the ribs, loose about the ankles. "Will I... would you show me it, sometime? If I went there?"
It's sweet. Velvet wishes she could travel through time and show it to Weiss from the start; she wishes she could have told her what she would have, in the future. Look, see? This is real. You can have this too. Happiness doesn't only exist for people far away; you get to feel this, too.
"Of course," Velvet says with a smile, instead. "Bold if you to think my parents don't demand they meet every single last one of my friends."
Weiss grins back, all shark-toothed and sharp, and Velvet likes how it looks on her face. It took her team months to eek it out of her more often than every couple of weeks, but now, it's practically daily. "I'm afraid the offer doesn't extend back to you."
"Thanks the maidens," Velvet says, very seriously. "Because if I ever meet your dad, I'm setting his car alight."
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itsclydebitches · 5 years ago
I can't remember if it was you or someone else who talked about it, but I wonder if the sharp turn into "all adults are now wrong and the younger generation is the only hope" is because of the current political climate surrounding us. I know RT and Miles are very liberal (I can't speak for Kerry or the other writers), and that they have retweeted some posts with the same sort of theme (pt 1)
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This exactly. My issue has never been with RWBY’s messages, only its execution. Younger generation surpassing those who came before them? All girl power team? Dictators are Bad™? Queer rights? Fuck racism? Hell yes to all of it! The problem is simply that, more often than not, RWBY fails to accurately craft and implement the messages it’s aiming for. It’s not a show that’s particularly good at nuance (everyone has one (1) reaction to Ozpin’s vision) and when that nuance shows up it’s often ignored by the writing (Ironwood’s heroics, Blake asking Weiss not to get involved with the racist, Adam’s brand, Qrow’s alcoholism getting fixed off screen, Whitley left on the stairs at the end of the volume, Oscar going shopping, etc.) Which isn’t an issue with some aspects of storytelling, but these are all subjects that demand nuance. Intentions are great, but at the end of the day the viewer only has what we’re given on the screen. Just like a writer might go, “I wrote such a romantic relationship!” and the fandom might respond with, “Actually no. You may have intended to write something romantic but what we got was abuse,” RWBY has a long history now of the writers (presumably) thinking they produced something - a morally gray Ozpin, a villain Ironwood, satisfying queer rep, fill in your preferred blank here - and my side of the fandom is going, “I see what you wanted but that’s not what we got. And canon isn’t superseded by a tweet published weeks later that only some of the fandom ended up seeing. We’re well past adhering to the authorial voice.” 
Which isn’t rare by any means. Stories try and fail at things all the time. In regards to RWBY and RWBY criticism, the disappointing thing is that all of these controversial subjects invite an easy way of slandering other fans. I delete a lot of asks in my inbox akin to, “Just admit that you hate queer people” because the assumption is that if I’m criticizing the execution of something like the Blake/Yang relationship then I must really just hate them together. It’s a stance I can understand because some people do use criticism as an ever moving finish line: to them queer rep is never good enough to justify it’s place in the narrative. They just keep coming up with reasons for why it’s “bad writing” and thus shouldn’t exist. For me and RWBY it’s the opposite though. It’s because I’m invested in all these topics that I want them treated accurately and respectfully (at least however “accurately” and “respectfully” translates into a fantasy story). When we talk about something like generational differences it does no good to have your characters stand up and insist that they’re perfect, they never needed an adult’s help at all. Not unless the story intends to prove them wrong and/or liars and/or you’ve shown us that they’re right to say that. I’m all about media’s impact (though many sneer at the concept that media can actually influence us in any negative way) and we see that kind of mindset here on tumblr all the time. On my dash it’s most prevalent in conversations about queer history and internet safety: younger fans insisting loudly that they know best without even bothering to hear out those who are older than them - those who lived through these situations and thus have experience to impart. That kind of stand-your-ground-it’s-cool-to-say-‘fuck adults’ mindset is learned. So yeah, it’s just a silly animated series. It’s just a couple of scenes. But those scenes impart messages when a) the writing isn’t polished enough to display nuanced sides to the debate or b) the viewer isn’t primed to question whatever the characters are imparting. RWBY is popular and having that popular series suddenly getting its fanbase to identify with characters who treat others this way and doesn’t acknowledge them as villains/morally gray/at least making mistakes to learn from is... a bit concerning. The fans who insist that their faves could never have an impact on their behavior are the same fans who slam into my inbox to cuss me out about it. 
Even if you don’t care about how RWBY handles topics like racism, abuse, political power, generational divides, and how that handling reflects real world situations... that lack of nuance hinders the storytelling. It’s just not as good as it could be which, as you say, is a shame because there’s so much amazing potential. As a writer I get it, it’s damn hard, but if RWBY wants to tackle such subjects they need more revision time. The chance for someone to say, “Okay you want to say A and made a stab at it... but really you’re conveying C at the moment. We need to do X, Y, and Z to actually get to A.” 
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mashiiiron · 6 years ago
Authors note: Italicized = thoughts
Oscar, Ren, Nora, and Jaune make up the mighty team ORNJ (pronounced orange because why not).
"Alright team RWBY and team ORNJ [A.N], once we touch down we need to make our way to Atlas Academy to meet with Ironwood." Ruby said to the occupants of the airship. The teams accompanied by Qrow and Maria have finally made it to Atlas after their battle with Cordovin and the leviathan Grimm. "Once we get this meeting out of the way we'll find a place to rest. I'm sure we could all use a few days off." She glanced over to her sister who was sitting with Blake. The young leader knew they needed a few days to relax after their fight with Adam.
Yang noticed her sister looking over to her and her faunus partner. She raises her hand to signify that they are ok not noticing that her fingers are still entwined with Blake's. To this Ruby raises an eyebrow but says nothing deciding to bring it up at a later time, maybe once they've settled down at where they'll be staying for the next few days.
"We're approaching the landing area everyone." Maria says from the cockpit. Upon landing the group is met with atlas soldiers sent to escort them to general Ironwood.
"I guess my letter did make it here before us," Qrow says before taking a swig from his flask. "I just hope Ironwood will listen to us with a clear head."
On their walk to the academy Ruby cant help but gush over all of the technology Atlas has to offer. Rambling on and on to her partner Weiss. "Ooohhh Weiss do you think we'll be able to take the maglev trains while we're here?! Or, or what about finding upgrades to crescent rose! Did you have anywhere you went to visit often Weiss??"
To this Weiss just sighed, "Calm down you dolt, I'm sure we will have ample time to explore the city after we meet with Ironwood." She said to her hyperactive partner with extra emphasis on after. She recognizes that her partner has grown to be an incredible leader on the battlefield but is also still a kid who is easily sidetracked. As long as we stay on task I don't see why the two of us couldn't go and see the city. I'm sure she'd like to go and explore.
Oh man I hope me and Weiss find some time to go around. Especially the maglev trains those things move so fast! Ruby thought to herself. Secretly she just wanted to make sure Weiss didn't brood over being back in Atlas after spending so much effort just to leave. She wasn't about to break her promise about staying by her side otherwise she wouldn't be a very good best friend.
Up ahead she heard what sounded like her uncle Qrow about to get into an argument. Shooting a quick glance at her white haired partner confirming that Weiss also hears the commotion, the two partners head to the front of the pack. However as soon as they reached Qrow, Weiss could feel the blood drain from her face.
"Father" the ex-heiress breathed out.
"You! You insolent child!" The patriarch Schnee shouted at his daughter. "Not only do you have the audacity to embarrass me at my gala, but you also attack the port city after stealing an aircraft. You chose to run away to play your games with these low-lifes further slandering the Schnee name!" Jacques says while lifting his hand as if he were going to strike his daughter.
Weiss sees her father raise her hand and flinches away expecting to be hit but instead is met with a gust of wind coming from besides her. In the blink of an eye Ruby had positioned herself behind the Schnee patriarch with crescent rose fully expanded and the curved arc of her blade acting as a barrier between Weiss and her father. In fact crescent rose's blade was positioned in a fashion where if Weiss' father did strike his daughter his arm merely would have been cleaved off by the sniper-scythe.
Weiss opened her eyes to see her partner protecting her from her father's anger. That dolt! Always getting involved with my personal business. I suppose it isn't too bad though, I must admit it does make me feel cherished by at least someone. But she doesn't need to go ahead and put herself in danger for my sake!
The guards accompanying Jacques Schnee had their weapons trained on Ruby after they realized that she had blink-stepped behind them to threaten the patriarch. "I highly suggest you leave Mr. Schnee." Ruby sneered with as much venom as she could.
Jacques let go of the breath he was holding and took up his air of confidence again. "Very well, Weiss, you are hereby disowned from the Schnee family, your inheritance, stake in the company, and everything else associated with the Schnee name will hereby no longer be available to you. Good day." And with that he turned on the spot and left the group behind.
Ruby folded up her weapon and flashed over to her partner wrapping her up in a hug. She could feel Weiss bury her face into her neck as she stroked her silver locks. "I'm so sorry Weiss." The leader whispered "I'm sorry"
Weiss took a deep breath of the scent of roses that she learned to take comfort in over the course of their partnership. "It's alright Ruby she said as she pulled back just enough to look into her leader's gunmetal eyes. She leaned forward to press her forehead against Ruby's and closed her eyes. "Thank you Ruby, for standing up for me, for protecting me." With that she pulled out of the hug to see the rest of her team watching the two of them closely causing her to blush. Team ORNJ, Qrow, and Maria were pretending to be preoccupied in an attempt to give the two girls privacy.
"You alright ice princess?" Yang asked, breaking the silence. To which Weiss just nodded. In the next moment Yang scooped her up in a hug of her own and Weiss could feel Blake place a hand on her shoulder and shoot her a reassuring smile.
"Alright enough worrying about me, we still have to get to Ironwood." Weiss said to her companions. I'm glad I have friends like them but we do need to move on. I cant believe I've been disowned. While a big part of me wants to be relieved that I no longer have to worry about what my father is doing to the company grandfather started, I can't help buy feel sad. All of the work I put into trying to impress my father from a young age just wasted. I'm the one trying to do the right thing for the world and this is how he treats me?! The snow haired girl did not realize that the group had already made it to the academy as she was so caught up in her thoughts. She didn't even notice the way Ruby was walking practically pressed up against her. Most likely the younger girl wanted to offer her some solace but not sure how to shake her out of her stupor. I'm glad I have you by my side Ruby. She thought to herself grabbing the young leaders hand and giving it a squeeze as to say she was alright.
The group had reached the headmaster's office not long after they arrived at the entrance of the academy. The guards sent to escort them proceeded into the office to notify the general of their arrival and shortly were ushered into the room.
"A ragtag team of kids, a dusty old crow, and a grandmother? Is this all you come to me with?? Qrow! Where is Ozpin?" Ironwood asked his old friend.
Oscar stepped up now, "sir, I'm oscar and ozpin has resurrected in me." To which Qrow just nodded when Ironwood shot him a questioning glance. "And we have the relic, Ruby has held on to it through our journey." Oscar said gesturing to the brunette.
They began their meeting as to what to do moving forward and what to do with the relic. Throughout the meeting however Ruby could only half-heartedly contribute, as she noticed her partner sink back into her thoughts. The red and white duo had been holding hands since the entrance when Weiss suddenly grabbed her hand. And for a little while Weiss seemed to be feeling better. Ruby would squeeze her hand every now and then to show her that she was there for her but the meeting currently going on had cause Weiss to recede back into her mind. I wish there was something I could do. I was going to ask Weiss to show me around Atlas but now she might not be up for it. No! I Ruby Rose wont stop until I put a smile on her face! I'll take her out to try and take her mind of off things as soon as we get out of this dumb meeting. The young leader vowed to herself nodding her head in determination.
Soon enough the meeting was over and Ruby had given the relic to Qrow and Ironwood to safeguard and the teams were tasked with finding the place Ironwood had set them up with for their stay in Atlas. Before they could all set off to their lodgings however Ruby grabbed Weiss' hand and shouted over to her teammates, "We'll catch up with you guys later! Don't wait up!" Before blasting of with her semblance leaving a cloud of rose petals in her wake.
"SLOW DOWN YOU DOLT" Weiss shouted at Ruby causing the younger girl to gradually come out of her semblance. "I sweat I will never get used to that no matter how long we are partners." She huffed. "So, why did you drag me out here?" She asked Ruby.
"Oh, well I figured you might want to go around and take your mind off of... the stuff with your dad." Ruby said sheepishly as she looked into the icy blue orbs of her partner. "O-of course of you don't want too I can always blast us back to our safehouse."
"That won't be necessary, Ruby." Weiss said, grabbing onto the brunettes hand again and interlacing her fingers with Ruby's causing her face to flush slightly. She looked down unable to meet her partner's silver eyes. "Thank you Ruby." She said quietly. This girl will be the death of me I swear. But there are worse ways to go. This girl never ceases to amaze me. She's always by my side supporting me even though I can have... not the friendliest of attitudes. Oh Ruby, what would I do without you.
Weiss didn't know where Ruby was taking her as she knew Ruby had never been to Atlas before. But before she knew it Ruby had lead her to the edge of the floating city to look out at the sky. "I'm sorry Weiss but I wasn't sure where we could go, but I figured if I just ran in one direction with my semblance we'd get close to the edge to watch the sunset." The caped girl said quietly while gazing into ice blue eyes.
Weiss just gestured to the energetic girl to sit with her. "Its beautiful, thank you Ruby." She said as she gave a squeeze to their joined hands. "Before the white fang started to attack the company, my father was actually kind and supportive. And often he would take Winter and I here to watch the ships go by." The ex-heiress said with a sigh. "He became colder and more distant once the white fang started targeting members of the family. We stopped coming out here and he would more regularly be away for work. If he was home he was angry and he took that anger out on us."
Ruby could tell that Weiss was having a hard time keeping her composure but knew that the snow haired girl had to get this off her chest. And Ruby would be there to comfort her after she was finished. She gave a comforting squeeze of her hand as to say she was there for Weiss no matter what.
Weiss squeezed Ruby's hand back before continuing. "I-I thought that if I could be the best that maybe he'd go back to being the dad he was before. Th-that he would praise me a-a-and be proud of me. B-b-but he didn't even care! He-he doesn't care that beacon fell! He doesn't care that I'm trying to save the world. He disowned me Ruby! He... he...he doesnt love me Ruby."
She then felt Ruby's arms encircle her bringing her into the younger girls chest. "It's ok Weiss, let it out, team RWBY has got you, we're all here for you. I'm right here for you, Weiss." And with that the dam broke and Ruby could feel the sobs rack through the icy girls body. She could feel her corset dampen with the tears that Weiss was shedding. All she could do was hold the girl as she let her sorrows out. She could feel Weiss' hands clutch at her back as she tried to bury herself deeper in the leadeds embrace.
After a few minutes Weiss managed to calm down and pulled out of the embrace just enough to wrap her arms around Ruby's neck and nuzzle into her neck. "Ruby" she breathed out, "thank you Ruby, I've felt this for a long time but I'm certain now. Ruby Rose, I love you." She said as she nuzzled closer to the girl she loved so very much.
Ruby tightened her arms around Weiss, never did she think Weiss would confess to her she always though she'd have to be the one to confess. "I love you too Weiss, I have for a long time, and the time we spent apart made me realize even more. I love you and I will always be here for you." She said as she place a kiss on the top of the silvery strands.
Weiss took a deep breath of the rose scent she loved. The scent her partner brought with her everywhere and the scent that always told Weiss she was safe. "You're all I have now Ruby, I don't know what I would do without you now." She said craning her neck to look Ruby in the eyes.
Silver met blue as the duo gave into each other's eyes. "I'm not going anywhere Weiss." Ruby said as she leaned ever closer to her partner. Weiss pushed herself up to meet Ruby halfway and their lips met for the first time. Their first kiss was awkward and chaste but Ruby went in for a second and soon the girls found a comfortable rhythm. Weiss pulled away needing to breath before resting her forehead on Ruby's and breathing out, "You are my everything, I love you Ruby Rose."
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